<%@ page import="ysl.util.Utils, ysl.util.ServletUtils" %> <%@ page import="ysl.util.YslMachineProperties, ysl.ui.session.YslSession, ysl.util.Term" %> <%@ page import="ysl.util.Log" %> <%@ page import="ysl.buslog.orgs.League" %> <% /* This code is dependent on the siteTitle term_values in the Terms table and * on the exact structure of the marketing web site. It maps the following * site titles to the specified URLs: * YourSportsLeague.com ==> www.YourSportsLeague.com/Generic/Help * My--League.com ==> www.My--League.com//Help * (used currently for Football and Hockey domains) * MyLeague.com ==> www.MyLeague.com//Help * (used currently for Baseball, Basketball, Futsal, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball domains) * - SCW 10/13/2004 */ String subject = request.getParameter("subject"); String siteTitle = request.getParameter("siteTitle"); String YSLkey = request.getParameter("YSLkey"); League league = League.getInstance(request.getParameter("leagueId")); if (league == null) if (YSLkey != null) league = ServletUtils.getKeyLeague(YSLkey); else league = YslSession.getCurrentLeague(request.getSession()); YslSession.setCurrentLeague(request.getSession(), league); String serverName = request.getServerName(); String site_titleStr = Term.getUrlLeagueTerm(Term.SITE_TITLE, serverName, league); if (!Utils.hasData(siteTitle)) siteTitle = "YourSportsLeague.com"; int pos = siteTitle.indexOf("-League.com"); if (pos == -1) pos = siteTitle.indexOf("League.com"); String folderName = siteTitle.substring(0, pos); if (folderName.indexOf("Your") > -1) folderName = "Sports"; else if (folderName.indexOf("My-") > -1) folderName = folderName.substring(3); else // starts with "My" folderName = folderName.substring(2); if (!Utils.hasData(subject)) subject = "Introduction"; %> <%= site_titleStr %> Help <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <p></p> </body>